Who Cares%253f


You Take The Ring

Paul Roberts
Pastor Paul continues the "Who Cares?" series by sharing a story about a plane crash and a man named Chubs. You see, Chubs was on that plane when it crashed into the water and he willingly gave up the helicopter's life ring to save other people. Pastor Paul explains that unlike Chubs, uncaring people think someone else will help, they are stingy, and they oftentimes look the other way. We cannot be followers of Christ and be uncaring. Grab your Bible and turn to Luke 10:29-37.
Sunday, January 28, 2018


Who Cares?

Pastor Paul asks the question, "Who Cares?" In our day and time we are too busy and too self-focused to care about others but that's not the life we're called to live out. Jesus Himself spent His time on earth caring for people. In this series we will discover how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus by caring for the people in our lives.

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